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Aluminum TUBE A tube container that is made with high-quality aluminum (99.98% purity). Has excellent content protection/preservation power. Can be mainly used as a container for medical ointment products or hair dye products. Recently, it is also being used as a container for cosmeceutical products. Polyethylene(PE) TUBE A soft container with a great aesthetic appeal. Manufactured by melting polyethylene resin. Can be post-processed using in many ways. Can be used for storing household goods, high-end cosmetics, etc. Poly-Foil TUBE A tube container that has the advantages of PE tubes + Laminate tubes. Mostly used as a container for functional cosmetics and luxury brand products. Laminate TUBE The most well-known and economic tube container produced using laminated (ABL, PBL) Sheet. Compared to other tube containers, it can be produced in mass and can be post-processed in various ways. Used as a container for household goods, cosmetics, toothpastes, and stationery products.


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