Ethical management
Fair relationship with partners and competitors
1. We pursue common development through fair trade with our partners on an equal footing.
2. We do not engage in unfair trade by taking advantage of our superior position.
3. We respect our competitors and establish a sound market order through fair and bona fide competition.
4. We respect fair trade order and comply with fair trade laws and regulations. -
Promise to employees
1. We acknowledge the dignity and value of each individual and evaluate them equally and reward them fairly based on our trust.
2. All executives and employees are provided with equal opportunities for capacity building and do not discriminate based on gender, educational background, or region of origin.
3. We protect individual privacy and create a mature organizational culture based on mutual trust and understanding.
4. We build an organizational culture of smooth communication and mutual trust so that we can do our jobs passionately and creatively. -
Basic ethics of employees
1. We carry out our duties honestly and faithfully with pride and self-respect as members of Bookuk T&C Co., Ltd.
2. We abide by laws and company regulations and act based on conscience.
3. We clearly distinguish between public and private affairs, and do not seek personal gain by using our work and position. -
Responsibility to society
1. We abide by laws and contribute to the development of the nation and society through continuous social contribution activities as a member of the nation and society.
2. We prioritize the protection of the environment of the country and region and actively practice environmentally friendly management activities.
3. We perform our duties based on the safety of society and strictly observe safety rules.
Reporting on Violations of CoC
For protection of the informant’s identity and confidentiality, any report, filed through the system, is being solely treated by designated person in charge only.
1. Working Plan
- Giving/receiving money or improper/excessive hospitality
- Abuse of power using superior's authority/position
- Unethical or illegal acts
- Acts of leaking confidential internal information
- Improper solicitation or unreasonable demand
- Theft or commitment of embezzlement
- Any other acts to be considered contrary to ethical management
2. Ethical violations subject to reporting
- 3. Reporting principle The informant is encouraged to describe as much detailed as possible under 5W1H by his/her real name
- 4. Processing procedure
- E-mail:
- 30 76th Street Deokseongsandan 2ro Idongeup Cheoingu Yonginsi Gyunggido, Korea
- the general affairs team
5. How to report to where
- The reporting is filed and processed on completely confidential basis. The name of informant as well as reported contents shall not be open to public without the informant’s express agreement
- The company does take all proper measures to prevent the informant from any disadvantage or discrimination caused out of the informant’s report.
6. Protection policy of Informant