Quality management
Bukuk TNC Co., Ltd. strives to provide the best quality products to our customers under the slogan "Innovate for customer-centric value addition." With the determination to create new standards for tubes and packaging through continuous research and development, we will become a company that constantly strives for customer satisfaction and aims to open the era of customer delight based on our quality management system (ISO 9001) and ISO 15378 certification (cosmetics and pharmaceutical packaging standards). -
ISO 9001 certification
ISO 15378 certification: 2023 -
Propose new standards for tubes and packaging through continuous research and development.
Pursue perfect "total quality" through preventive and fundamental quality improvement.
PL (Product Liability) insurance subscription. -
Quality Management System
Bukuk TNC Co., Ltd. is actively promoting quality management by establishing a new quality policy in 2023, taking it as the first year of a leap forward in quality management, in line with the changes of the times. Based on ISO 15378 certification, as a specialized company in cosmetics and pharmaceutical packaging, all employees are making infinite efforts to supply safe and hygienic products through strict hygiene management. We also strive for continuous improvement by always listening to and accepting the needs and requirements of our customers to achieve customer satisfaction.
Quality Policy
- 1. We provide the best product quality and service to customers through securing excellent human resources.
- 2. We prioritize efficient response to customer quality requirements and strive to achieve customer satisfaction.
- 3. We continuously manage and improve the process defect rate to achieve 100PPM.
- 4. Every member makes an effort to achieve "ZERO" customer quality complaints.
- 5. We effectively execute a "Quality Management System" for the improvement of our activities, products, and service quality.
Quality Management System Diagram